Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Dear Anonymous

Last night, you made the comment on my apology post about how you think that I am getting guys to do what I want by writing about them in my blog, telling them about it, which then forces them to act differently. Because I don't know who you are, I can't completely speak to the circumstances that you know me through.
           If you refer back to an older post, you might find that I am not writing as a way of manipulating the guys I'm seeing. I am not doing this as a way to get a guy to act differently around me. More importantly, if he does choose to act differently around me, then that is his choice.
            I do not write here because I want guys to change to fit what I am looking for in a relationship, nor do I expect that to happen as a result of their reading this. I am just writing because I love to write, and it clears my mind.
            I thought your comment was endearing because it both caught me off guard and made me wonder who else thinks that I may be keeping a blog as a form of manipulation. The manipulation is not the case. And I hope that from now on, my blog posts won't be seen that way in your eyes, whoever you may be.

1 comment:

  1. awww i got a post haha. I didnt mean for that to come off poorly so maybe I can explain? It was less of you manipulating guys and more of guys will be different than who they normally are thus possibly hurting you. its the reason why I think your father was right and it was wise of bear to ask you not to blog about him. You want the real him and people are fickle enough to change their personality for the time being if they know they are being "judged" in a way. Hope that clarifies! Keep doing what you love!
