Important things rarely are simple.
It was like someone bonked me on the head, and I had an ah-ha moment! Letting go is not easy, especially when this person has held such a prevalent place in your life, and heart, for several years. Then I realized that I'm not practicing what I preach.
I don't know if I wrote it, or if I just commented to my new blogger friend, but I need to remember that it's okay to feel sad and bummed. The decision that I have made is not simple and very important.
So I'm going to allow myself to have my moments of sadness and hurt. My major concern is that my new, quotable friend may fill in that void too quickly. In the past, I would find myself jumping from relationship to relationship, best friendship to best friendship. Now, someone has come into my life who I could see being a new male best friend, but I'm being cautious.
This decision of mine to let go of Safety Pin is causing me pain and grief. I need time to grieve this loss. I will have to figure out boundaries of letting this new friend into my life, while still allowing myself to feel the loss of someone I called a best friend for so long.
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