Sunday, March 28, 2010

And just like that, he was gone.

I waited until he left my apartment to start crying, not that it makes a difference because he reads this and will know I cried. I'm not usually the dumper, and I'm finding that this position sucks just as much. Pitt and I weren't even dating, technically we weren't even anything. But I like him.
          After drinking too much, getting sick all night, and him staying with me, I tell him I just want to be just friends. Who am I?!? I don't want to be that awful girl who breaks his heart, especially since I like him and wish so much we could be more than just friends. And I have the nerve to tell him that I deserve better... But who's better than someone who makes you laugh, is caring, affectionate, funny, smart, and will go running with you?
          The answer: someone who's not in love with someone else, more specifically his ex. It's taking all my self control not to text or call him, asking him to come back here, and telling him that I don't actually want to just be friends, but I won't.
          I told him that I won't talk to him or hang out with him for a while because it's just my way of dealing with things. It's what I know works to get over someone. Cryng, getting really angry, over-analyzing, and cutting off all communication keeps me sane. I just wish I knew that Pitt was as unhappy about this as I am.

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