Thursday, March 25, 2010

Stuck in the mud.

Do you remember when you were a little kid and you played the game stuck in the mud? Well folks, that's how I'm feeling right now. I want to cry, but I know that the only reason for the tears is the lady hormones...
          Last night Pitt interrupted our laughing and making out to have another one of his serious talks. (Yes Pitt, you are the one bringing these up, but I am appreciative of your honesty even if it leads to me writing.) I'm not going to go into detail of the subject matter because some conversations are just meant to be had between you and your interest. But basically, I feel stuck in the mud. It's like my feet are suctioned into this muddy love obsession and happiness mantra, but my body is flailing around trying to get out. Basically, the mud is my heart, and my flailing body is my head.
          So much of me wants to run away, and even though I know that I could get hurt in the end, what's the point of denying myself happiness now? I don't know what could happen in the next 3 minutes, hours, or years, so I'm telling myself to stop being an idiot, ignore the lady hormones, and just keep being happy... Just so you know, saying that and believing that are two very different things.

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