Monday, July 12, 2010

Almost fearless

Have you experienced those moments when you're just so happy that you're expect something bad to happen? It's that thought where you think, well something bad has to happen because life is just too good. I used to have those moments all the time, but then, for the past two years, I have not felt genuinely happy, until now.
          So as I ran a couple miles this morning before work, I had a moment where I almost had this thought, but it was a different variation. I had one of those amazing weekends this past weekend, and I've realized that this is the first time that I have been happy since before my lost love passed away when we were still in love.
           But this time, I am a different and better kind of happy. In the past, I would feel like I needed a guy to complete that happy and whole feeling in my life. Now, I do not need to be with someone, or even talking to someone, to have that sitting on a cloud feeling.
           Where does that worried feeling that something bad is going to happen come in? It doesn't exactly. This time instead of having that looming feeling that I'm so happy that I expect something bad to happen, I have this slight worry about bringing a guy into my life.
            I'm in such a good place being truly single and not dating anyone at all that I do not want to ruin that by bringing someone in. I want to stay true to my "no dating" mantra because I am happy without a guy in my life. For now, I am just going to be building friendships. That's the plan at least.

P.S. I got my hair cut on Saturday. It's the shortest it has been since elementary school.

1 comment:

  1. I was in that same spot, and now I have regrets of allowing him into my life. I wish that wasn't so and I wish that just once I would have had a guy prove all the rest of the frogs out there wrong. But here I am...struggling to get back to that place where I don't "need" a guy. It takes time, I have realized it usually takes me about eight months...why eight? I have no idea...but eight months is a large portion of my life considering my age bracket and the amount of potential good males still left out there. My best advice here is DO stay single and make a bunch of guy FRIENDS. You will get to know them and they you before either invest emotions in something.
