Friday, July 9, 2010

Belief makes things real

I believe in the Universe. I believe that the world works in strange, mysterious and magical ways. And I truly believe that sometimes things happen, whether they're good or bad, that align you with another person just at the right moment giving you exactly what you need and deserve.
        For some reason, I have crossed paths with another blogger who happens to be very similar to me. I stumbled upon her blog one day, maybe a couple of weeks ago, and have not stopped reading since. I could relate to her pain. I could relate to her genuine curiosity. And I could relate to her love of love, or as she puts it, anything having to do with her heart.
        This only confirms my belief in the Universe working to bring people together whether it's on a train, at work, or through the Internet. After yesterday's post about the simple things that make me happy, she commented on how she also loved those simple things. Coincidence? I think not.
         I wonder whether we would be friends in real life, or if we would just pass each other by. But something in the Universe sent out a signal saying that we should become friends, even if it is only through the Internet. For this, I am grateful, and I love my belief in the Universe.


  1. I do too! Funny thing is I have meet more people similar to me in the past 4 months of my existence than I have in my whole life! You are the next on the list :) I know we would be friends. We believe too much of the same things about life. We love a lot! And something tells me you are loyal... and besides all of that you have a sweet tooth just like me so I am sure we would have NO problems. ha! Thanks for the shout out ;)

    Talk soon.

  2. Oh and by the way I don't believe in coincidences. I think everyone comes into you life to teach you things. Whether that be about life, love, career, the difference between different breeds of dogs....all sorts of different things ;) Now to figure out what we are here to learn from one another.

  3. I saw that you were a new follower of mine. I like your blog, and I agree with you - I find that the blogs I read are similar in nature to mine, and I wonder if I were to live closer to them...would we be friends?? Probably.
