Thursday, June 10, 2010

Calling all readers! (The Question Series)

I'm coming to a point where I'm clearly lacking in the love department, but I think I'm okay with this. A couple of nights ago, I chatted with my mom about how I don't have quite as much to write about in this blog. Her suggestion - write about something else.
               As thoughts ran through my mind, I mulled over this concept. How could I write about something other than love? My blog is called "Fool for Love!" I love writing about love, and I even parted ways with someone because of this blog. (I said I would not mention him anymore, so I'm refraining.)
               Here's where you, my readers, come into play. What do you think I should write about? Yes, I'm a sucker for any topics on love, falling in love, and even broken hearts, but if I don't have any occurrences in my love life, what do you suggest I do?
              I'm needing some inspiration. So I'm going to put together a question series, compile your answers, and continue to write. Here's my first question for you all, and please respond in the comment boxes.

Question 1: What's the best advice anyone has given you about love?

Thank you, and I look forward to reading your comments!


  1. Men play at love to get sex. Women play at sex to get love.

  2. The less you seek love, the sooner you'll find it.

  3. I tend to go for guys who are not always that great for me and i am attracted to boys who have problems that i think i can fix (i get the feeling you may be the same way...) the best love advice i've ever received was actually from glamour and it said:

    "say yes to the guys you usually say no to and say no to the guys you usually say yes to."

  4. a friend of mine recently told me "it's better to have a love, and lose it, than to not know what love is at all, you should be thankful you got to experience it."

  5. "If you love somebody, let them go. If they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were.”
