Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Thank You Anonymous

I'm not sure if you're the same Anonymous as before, but either way, I wanted to say thank you. Your post not only brightened my day, but it also reminded me of a huge factor about looking for love: stop looking, and it will come.
            After this morning's post, I felt down and slightly hopeless, but the comment this afternoon sent a concept blaring through my mind. When my lost love (I still don't have an adequate nickname for him) and I fell in love, I was not looking for anyone, nor was I expecting it. The falling in love just happened. At that time, I was able to discover that I am secure in my own skin. It was with his unknowing help that I learned about myself.
            If you hadn't already noticed, I go back and forth. Yes, being in love is great and one of the most incredible experiences, but on the flip side, being in a relationship requires work. Work that's well worth it, in my book, but it's still work.
            I'm at a place in my life where my focus is around learning about myself outside of a college environment. I'm learning what life is like as a working person, with a salary and a commute. I'm learning about how I transition from living as an independent, college student to an "adult" who moved home to a loving family.
            This type of learning is huge! It is also the type of learning that cannot be fully understood or developed if I were seriously involved with someone. Maybe this is just one of those ah-ha moments, but if I really want to know who I am, I need to do that alone. So far, I think I'm doing alone just fine.


  1. Hi, that comment wasn't the same anonymous as before sorry :(

    Love will hit you when you aren't expecting it. That's just the way it works! Over analyzing things never got a person anywhere but farther back than where they started from. Just have a good time with your life and one day you might just run into that mr.right.

    take care

  2. you're welcome. im glad i could help and thanks for the thank you post! im positive that you'll be great in the real world and that you'll find someone truly awesome.
