Monday, June 28, 2010

Who are you, S?

I love that you can search, blog, and learn on the Internet, but I get frustrated that a conversation can begin without knowing anything about the person who you've begun talking with.
           For example, I wanted to engage my readers and began asking open-ended questions. The great part is that I get responses, however, the majority of the responses have been marked "anonymous." Don't think that I'm attacking any of you "anonymous" people, but because you have all made very good points, I'm intrigued about the person that lies behind the response.
           I am a genuinely curious person. I ask questions because it's in my nature. It matters not the subject because I truly want to learn. That is something that I love about me and find to be important in building a relationship. Without some curiosity, it's difficult to build and maintain a strong relationship.
           When one of my responders signed his or her response with a simple "-S," a smile appeared on my face. Not only did S's response make me smile because of the content, but because there is a person behind this post!
           Who is S?! Is it a guy? A girl? Young? Old? Do I know him or her? Or is this someone across the country, or even someone in a foreign country?
           At first, I thought about writing about what S commented, but I changed my mind. Now here I am wondering who this S person may be. My curious nature has taken hold, so now I write wondering who you, S, may be.

1 comment:

  1. A post just about me, wow. Who am I? I am a girl. I am your age. I went to high school with you so therefoe I am from Greenwich. I am not friends with you (not even on FB because I checked), although we are connected in various other ways. I discovered this via aim (I must have your sn from when we had classes together in high school) yes, the wonders of the internet ;)

    If I were as brave as you, maybe I'd fully reveal myself because reading this makes me wish I was friends with you. Although I didn't sign it, I also was the solo answer-er to Question #2... But yes, I fully stand by my response. Rules are meant to be broken - if Rosa Parks followed the rules, we'd live in a completely different country. So break them and stand out in the crowd. If someone tells you that you can't, prove to them that you can. Even fools should know that ;)

