Monday, April 26, 2010

Physical attraction, you gotta love it

As much as you may want to, you can't deny physical attraction. You can't run from it, nor hide from it. And depending on how you think of it, physical attraction can be a great or terrible thing.
           For me, physical attraction is an odd concept. I can be physically attracted to someone, but upon making out with him, or even speaking with him, that attraction can vanish.
            Until this moment, I had not thought about the role personality plays in how much, or little, I am attracted to someone. I know that I need to be physically attracted to someone in order to be involved with him, but without a great personality, I would get bored.
            Even now, I find that guys I used to think were handsome, or hot, are not anymore. And when I ask myself why, I realize it's because I find their personality not to be condusive with mine.
            I won't say that I hate all my previous interests, or say that all their personalities are awful. But I will say that when it comes to spending time with someone, if he isn't witty, charming, humorous, intelligent or caring, I probably won't make an effort.
           So if I pair those characteristics (and some more) with physical attraction, I may find someone who keeps my attention.

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