Friday, April 2, 2010

Welcome Mr. Pumperknickle!

Yesterday, Bestest and I were on our way to Faegan's for lunch, when we ran into a Mr. Pumperknickle. He decided to join us, and thus girl talk commenced. How refreshing to have a male perspective at the table as we dished about our guy interests, and former interests. Then a thought popped into my head, what about a featured advice person, specifically a male?
          I asked him, and he said yes. We came up with the name Mr. Pumperknickle because he loves pumperknickle bread! So here's his first words of wisdom:

"If a guy can't be straight up about how he feels about you, it's not worth it. If he is playin' games, like feigning interest in your friend, he's an idiot. Flirting is fun, but there's a time to be honest. That's the deal breaker." -Mr. Pumperknickle

1 comment:

  1. I'm always on the lookout for words of wisdom, and Mr. Pumpernickle summed it up quite nicely. Thanks for sharing. :-)
